Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Media Theory

Target audience?
My target audience are the younger generation, females and male aging from 14 - 21 years of age.

How is it going to appeal to my audience?
My magazine will be attractive and interesting, full of images and bright fonts and colors. On balance, my magazine will have gossip, fashion tips and celebrity gossip which will appeal to my target audience very much. It will have all of the latest music gossip, alum releases and tour dates, everything a pop music magazine needs.

Why is that going to appeal to my audience?
As the genre of my magazine is pop, dark colors and paragraphs of writing would be very boring for a 14 year old girl to look at and those sort of colours are not interesting and so to attract the target audience it needs to be bright and full of images, it should have writing and information but it shouldn't be structured and there shouldn't be paragraphs of writing as that would make the reader lose interest.

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